Our Services

Our clients are diverse in purpose, size, and geography. Whether you are the leader of a local land trust, an international development NGO, or an independent school, Clarke & Co. will meet you where you are and cater our services to your organization’s specific needs. We serve organizations that are thriving and looking to be thoughtful about their future strategy and growth as well as those that are managing uncharted challenges. Regardless of your mission and circumstances, we offer coaching, workshop facilitation, and research-driven insights to help you move forward with confidence.

Aerial view of river in lush green coastal forest

Strategic Planning

During a strategic planning process, the expertise and opinions of your own leadership and staff are critical. However, effective planning will also draw on insights about your organization’s strengths and weaknesses, best practices in the sector, and context about the landscape in which you are operating. Clarke & Co. will work with you to design and facilitate your strategic planning process, conduct research to provide valuable insights, and assist in drafting both the strategic and implementation plans.

Kancamagus Pond on autumn

Organizational Assessment

Sometimes it takes an outside perspective to shed light on what is working well and what needs to change. At Clarke & Co., we conduct custom-designed organizational assessments to help you determine how your systems and people can better serve your organization’s mission. These assessments may include both anonymous surveys evaluating each of your organization’s functions as well as confidential staff interviews. The resulting analysis produces pragmatic recommendations and roadmaps for implementing changes.

Aerial view of coastline

Research-Driven Insights

At Clarke & Co., we empower our clients with the knowledge and data needed to confidently navigate organizational change.

  • An external stakeholder analysis provides you with the unvarnished opinions of the community members, donors, beneficiaries, and critics who know your work best.

  • A competitive scan of like-minded organizations in your field offers insights on everything from strategy, programming, communications, and fundraising.

  • Targeted case studies on best practices inform your decision-making on the particular challenges you face.